16 June 2010


Man, today I am soooooooo tired. I had a good ten hours on my Xbox and PS3 last night :D. Silent Hill: Homecoming and Resident Evil 5, respectively. But believe it or not, that is not why I am tired.

So, I went to bed at 1:36 AM (that's actually normal for me). I was dreaming that I was Alex (the guy from Silent Hill) fighting this mutated monster and it just wouldn't die. To my left, Chris (one of the characters from Resident Evil) is telling me we should run and I'm totally agreeing with him. But there's this nagging voice, my real voice, not Alex's, in my head telling me all sorts of logical reasons why this monster cannot be real and that I shouldn't be afraid. But me and Chris, we just turn tail and run.

We're running for our lives and while we're racing down the foggy streets, I realise that there's these little white things falling from the sky and that it's not ash anymore - and it's not snow. (In Silent Hill it rains ash.)

Chris points out its raining pills!

"What?" I say in disbelief. Then I see a small bottle on the sidewalk. The monster lets out a screech, but that doesn't stop me from stopping to pick it up.

Then, I awake.

I'd forgotten to take my pills and poor Alex gets to die because of it. I woke myself up at 3:22 AM because I forgot to take them. And that is why I am tired.