26 October 2010


After many, many days, I have finally decided to blog. I mostly forgot I had one, but I have been busy at work. Yes, I am working at Lydia's store. And I like it. We are 1,000 times more organized than Willow Street, and believe me, it makes a difference when you have an entire team of people who actually care about the job working with you.

Anyway, onto some more important news :D two words: FABLE 3. Yes, it is today. Fable 3 is out. And so is the Sims 3. And Sex and the City 2. Man oh man. I'm spending a lot of money today, lol. I'm mostly excited about Fable. And there is a collector's edition, and I'm hoping to get it. It's about 80 bucks. But, I've kept money for this stuff. Video games is what I do; I love them. I'm soooo excited. Muwhahaha.

What else? Snow. I love snow. And it has finally fell. How I missed thee, oh wondrous white fluff! May you fall and be fluffy!

Huh. I think that's it for now.