01 October 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack!

Hi to anyone who's actually reading this. So, the week before last, I did something special for my mom. I'll start from the beginning.

So, mom's Dodge Plymouth (I think that's what it was) rad was leaking. We already knew that, but then the drivers side door wouldn't close anymore. Basically we MacGyvered it with a strap. And the stupid thing wouldn't last through the winter, anyway, what with the heater being shot.

'Kay, so, the week before last: we went to West Ed for my birthday (I bought some music and an action figure I paid too much for but don't regret it) and we had these 'win a truck!' ads that you have to bring into the dealership, which so happened to be in Edmonton. Anyways, that failed miserbly.

But we decided to snoop at some vehicles. And you know where this is leading, right?

Aha, you're correct.

I bought mom a brand new, 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan. :D Yes, I absolutely love the damn thing; it is just the basic model, but who cares? I love it, mom loves it, and the rest of us love it. Except dad. (Sure, it's okay. For a van.)

We did film when we presented it to mom, but I doubt she wants me to post it. So I'll describe my favourite part:

Me: See this van?

Mom: Yeah, what about it?

Me: (hold out keys)

Mom, sarcasticly: Oh, what? It's mine?

Yes, mom. It's yours.