29 July 2010

Military Base Near Our House? Cool.

We went to the bread store this morning (we just got back) and on the way home, Dad got a call on his cell, and it kept fading in and out. On the stretch of road right by our house, cell calls don't come through very well and GPS systems don't work. Dad told me it's cause there used to be a military base on that field. I never knew that.

That means there's probably a bunker underneath it. I would sooo love to see it. I wonder what was left behind under there? Y'know, obviously there's something jamming signals and stuff.

27 July 2010

So, Today... And Recently.

Arg, I'm currently choking down a not-so-great sandwhich and listening to Adam Lambert's 'Strut' which just ended and changed to his other song 'Soaked', lol. I love his voice! Anyway, I work 12-8 today, but other than that, not a lot going on today.

Oh, I recently bought Anna an iPod nano. Its orange, 16 gigs, and films video!!! So we've been having fun with that :). Also, I bought me one. Same specifics, 'cept mine's pink. And the radio function on it is awesome.

I bought one for me 'cause my old one's screen is going nuts. It's all pixel-ly and weird.

Yesterday, we watched a movie on TV called 'Down To The Dirt' 'cause it has Hugh Dillon in it (who only played a small role anyway). It was actually really good, but it's definitely for adults; adult situations and coarse language. It had a few funny bits in it, too, that had Steph and I roaring in laughter.

I've been saving up to help pay for a new van. Westerner Days kinda sucked away most of my money. I feel ashamed hehe. Not really. :P

I think that's it.

24 July 2010

Westerner Days

So, we're off to Westerner Days today for the second time this year :). Yesterday we went to see Marianas Trench live, at the Centrium, and they were amazing! They do such wonderful harmonizing and the frontman Josh Ramsay has a great sense of humor (but I guess that comes with being Canadian!). My only beef though is that they didn't play either of my favorite songs from either the first or second album :( But I bought a t-shirt and Steph got a band photo.

The reason we're going again though is 'cause yesterday we didn't go on any rides. Anna's been pretty sick, so we decided to wait for today - so far so good!

So, yeah. Fun day ahead, if all goes right. :D