24 July 2010

Westerner Days

So, we're off to Westerner Days today for the second time this year :). Yesterday we went to see Marianas Trench live, at the Centrium, and they were amazing! They do such wonderful harmonizing and the frontman Josh Ramsay has a great sense of humor (but I guess that comes with being Canadian!). My only beef though is that they didn't play either of my favorite songs from either the first or second album :( But I bought a t-shirt and Steph got a band photo.

The reason we're going again though is 'cause yesterday we didn't go on any rides. Anna's been pretty sick, so we decided to wait for today - so far so good!

So, yeah. Fun day ahead, if all goes right. :D


  1. hope you had fun at the westerner!

  2. Haha. I've been away. Did I miss it?

  3. @ Auntie: Yeah, we had loads of fun! :) But we forgot to get a picture button for dad this year D:

    @ Hae: Yup, you missed it :(
