27 July 2010

So, Today... And Recently.

Arg, I'm currently choking down a not-so-great sandwhich and listening to Adam Lambert's 'Strut' which just ended and changed to his other song 'Soaked', lol. I love his voice! Anyway, I work 12-8 today, but other than that, not a lot going on today.

Oh, I recently bought Anna an iPod nano. Its orange, 16 gigs, and films video!!! So we've been having fun with that :). Also, I bought me one. Same specifics, 'cept mine's pink. And the radio function on it is awesome.

I bought one for me 'cause my old one's screen is going nuts. It's all pixel-ly and weird.

Yesterday, we watched a movie on TV called 'Down To The Dirt' 'cause it has Hugh Dillon in it (who only played a small role anyway). It was actually really good, but it's definitely for adults; adult situations and coarse language. It had a few funny bits in it, too, that had Steph and I roaring in laughter.

I've been saving up to help pay for a new van. Westerner Days kinda sucked away most of my money. I feel ashamed hehe. Not really. :P

I think that's it.

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