03 August 2010

The Last Few Days

What has happened... Oh, so much. Mom lost her job. Brandi pretty much fired her for having a hearing problem. She called her useless after her hearing aid broke. So I put my two weeks notice in. I'm done on the 13th.

I don't know if it was the right thing for me to do. Quitting, that is. It's not that I won't be looking for another job, but it's that for a while all the expenses are going to be on dad.

We put most of the cats outside (finally). Now we only have Bullet and Skip. They put on a lot of weight once the kittens got older because they didn't like playing with them and now that the kittens are out, Bullet and Skip are playing a lot more and eating a lot less. I think they were depressed because of how many cats there were in the house. I know I was. Cleaning up after them is not fun. And I am not being funny; I'm being dead serious when I say I literally could not lift the cat poop when I cleaned out the litter box. It becomes a two person job after a certain point.

I'm getting to the point where I just don't care about anything anymore.


  1. So sorry to hear about auntie. I don't think it is good for any one to work where they are not happy. I'm sure with your years of experience, you'll be able to find another position soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  2. Breathe. That's what I tell myself, and thats the only way I get through. That, and my imagination, I close my eyes and see myself seated under a giant tree by the ocean. Perhaps something similar for you? Close your eyes and see yourself in a recording studio? Or maybe in a forest, or even on the Enterprise? Just a suggestion.

  3. Breathe?? Imagine?? Naw...go out and pound sumthin'. Muwahaha.

  4. Lol, both seem like a good idea. Yeah, I have a whole world where I escape to, even a whole new person to be, but to beat the poop outta something sounds good. :)

  5. hi tasha! sorry to hear about the troubles. i'm proud of you for standing by your mom. no one should be treated like that. I'm sure you will find something else. good suggestions from my other nieces! (be reasonable when pulverizing!) troubles happen because situations aren't working out the way they are suppose to. roll with the punches and come out stronger. You stood up for what you believe to be right! blessings come from that and some of the take time. be patient a better future is on it's way.

    love you! love to all of my nieces! :)
