03 August 2010

Military Base

Ooo, Thank you Hae! I'll just copy it and post it here...

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43 Radar Squadron opened a Pinetree radar long-range station in February 1964 at a site 14 miles east of RCAF Station Penhold, who provided support to the facility.

Wikipedia Link

43 Radar Squadron is one of the 24 radar sites forming the “Pinetree” line across Canada, and it is a component of both Fighter Group and the 24th NORAD Region, Operational control of the unit is exercised by the Direction Centre of the 24th NORAD Region, located at Malmstom Air Force Base, Great Falls, Montana. There are eleven Canadian and Seven American radar sites in this region, which includes most of Montana, half of North Dakota, all of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and British Columbia. The function of 43 Radar Squadron is identical to that of the other radar units, and that is to provide the direction centre with search, identification, and height information on airbreathing threats, and to provide remote communications facilities from which the direction centre ca control interceptors to counter the threat. Opened in 1964 The Squadron is one of the last “Pinetree” radar units to be constructed and the unit became operational in February, 1964. The radar equipment includes the FPS-27 search radar and FPS-507 height finder. Computer functions are performed by the FYQ-47 Common Digitizer. The Ground-Air Transmit-Receive (GATR) site equipment includes the GKA-5 Time Division Data Link (TDDL) system, GRT-3A transmitters, GRR-993 receivers, and GRC-27 receivers.
Location The radar site is located on a twelve acre clearing on top of a glacial esker, some 18 kilometres east of CFB Penhold, and some 400 M higher in elevation. The GATR site is in the same area, approximately 1.6km removed from the radar site. Almost all support facilities and services are provided by DFB Penhold at the main base complex. A small kitchen and dining room is located at the radar site, and the noon meal is available during normal working days.

Penhold Link

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