27 May 2010

Current Thoughts

My current thoughts would be how happy I am that Tokio Hotel has stolen the fave band throne from My Chemical Romance in Steph's heart. I know, I know, I really shouldn't care what she listens to, but My Chemical Romance is annoying. I admit, I like their song 'Teenagers' and I know the words when it's playing. But every other song I hear from them makes my skin crawl and not in a good way. I'm evil. And I enjoy it.

Yesterday, I went and bought a couple of CDs (Disturbed's 'Indestructible' and Miley Cyrus's 'The Time Of Our Lives') and am currently putting them into my iTunes. I love music - I seriously have fun making my iTunes grow larger and larger. It has currently over 2200 songs in it ;). Mind you, they are not all songs - some are just audio - like talking or sound effects. But most are music.

Today I am dreading the litter box. I hate doing the litter box, though it is definitely one of those things you cannot leave undone. That would be absolutely disastrous! And let's face it; all those little kittens are worth it, with their furry little faces and tiny little paws!

Oh! Yesterday I bought two magazines as well - I forgot about them! I am totally excited to read them. One has a feature on Lady Gaga and the other on Kristen Stewart (both of which are awesome!).

Well, I think that's it for now.

26 May 2010

Wavin' Flag

Okay, so I bought Young Artists For Haiti 'Wavin' Flag' and I plopped it into my iTunes. And you know what the genre came up as?

Unclassifiable. My first thought was Pop/R'n'B.


Oh, today I've got another 3:30-Close shift at work. That's awesome 'cause I actually love closing.

I really like working the night shifts because when I work mornings I really am just a 'b-word'. I'm not that way at home. But, at eight in the morning, it's just that as soon as I walk through that back door at work, I'm a total b-word! And that's why Brandi thinks I'm so grouchy. That and when I get so deep in thought I think I glare. I'm not actually glaring. I think I'm just built that way.

Anyway, back to today. We're going to head into Wal-Mart and buy MORE hair products to spray and finger into/onto my head. Things like heat resistant spray and gels and a 360 brush and combs and jeez I dunno what else.

25 May 2010

Major Status Update!!! (Take That Facebook!)

Here's my 'Facebook Status' so-to-speak: I've been playing a butt load of Left 4 Dead (both the first and second one) with my sisters. Anna and I've done Dead Center on Expert twice (hours upon hours of frustration) and now we're kinda taking it easy on Advanced now.

What else am I up to? Oh. Work has pick up 'cause of May long and plus Caroline from work broke her wrist so I've been covering for her. Yup, I'm rolling in the dough.

My last paycheck I bought a hair-straightener/curler for Steph and she's been doing stuff to my hair, so it's finally not flat and boring!!! Yay! Of course, with the help of a gazillion different hair products too.

And Steph and I have also been trying to sing and write a lot more.

Lately I've been listening to my iPod a lot, mainly songs from Headstones.

There. Phew.


17 May 2010

Why am I here?

Okay, so, why am I on Blogger? Facebook. Oh, I hate Facebook. Facebook is now sharing ALL information with third parties and is doing what-the-fork-ever with my stuff, like, say, photos. No. No Facebook. And I will not pay, either. Screw you, Facebook. It's over between us. Sooooo over.

Anyway, so, here I am on Blogger. Hopefully a better way to connect to people. I doubt it. But, this is where I'll be. If they don't follow me, then whatever. I can always text the ones that I have the numbers to.

Okay. I still hate Facebook. I HATE FACEBOOK.