17 May 2010

Why am I here?

Okay, so, why am I on Blogger? Facebook. Oh, I hate Facebook. Facebook is now sharing ALL information with third parties and is doing what-the-fork-ever with my stuff, like, say, photos. No. No Facebook. And I will not pay, either. Screw you, Facebook. It's over between us. Sooooo over.

Anyway, so, here I am on Blogger. Hopefully a better way to connect to people. I doubt it. But, this is where I'll be. If they don't follow me, then whatever. I can always text the ones that I have the numbers to.

Okay. I still hate Facebook. I HATE FACEBOOK.


  1. hi there welcome to the blog society! I hope I can read some of your writing on here. from what I've read before, I can't wait to read more! good luck with your blog!

  2. You are here to comment and read your family's blogs, just like we are here to read and comment on your blog.

    Howdy, little sister who's taller than me. LOL

  3. Thanks for coming Aunt Hope! And thanks for coming little sister who's older than me! Lol!
