26 May 2010


Oh, today I've got another 3:30-Close shift at work. That's awesome 'cause I actually love closing.

I really like working the night shifts because when I work mornings I really am just a 'b-word'. I'm not that way at home. But, at eight in the morning, it's just that as soon as I walk through that back door at work, I'm a total b-word! And that's why Brandi thinks I'm so grouchy. That and when I get so deep in thought I think I glare. I'm not actually glaring. I think I'm just built that way.

Anyway, back to today. We're going to head into Wal-Mart and buy MORE hair products to spray and finger into/onto my head. Things like heat resistant spray and gels and a 360 brush and combs and jeez I dunno what else.

1 comment:

  1. lol. I wasn't a morning person either when I was young. I've been told I have that 'glare' too. Must be a Gladue thing.
