27 May 2010

Current Thoughts

My current thoughts would be how happy I am that Tokio Hotel has stolen the fave band throne from My Chemical Romance in Steph's heart. I know, I know, I really shouldn't care what she listens to, but My Chemical Romance is annoying. I admit, I like their song 'Teenagers' and I know the words when it's playing. But every other song I hear from them makes my skin crawl and not in a good way. I'm evil. And I enjoy it.

Yesterday, I went and bought a couple of CDs (Disturbed's 'Indestructible' and Miley Cyrus's 'The Time Of Our Lives') and am currently putting them into my iTunes. I love music - I seriously have fun making my iTunes grow larger and larger. It has currently over 2200 songs in it ;). Mind you, they are not all songs - some are just audio - like talking or sound effects. But most are music.

Today I am dreading the litter box. I hate doing the litter box, though it is definitely one of those things you cannot leave undone. That would be absolutely disastrous! And let's face it; all those little kittens are worth it, with their furry little faces and tiny little paws!

Oh! Yesterday I bought two magazines as well - I forgot about them! I am totally excited to read them. One has a feature on Lady Gaga and the other on Kristen Stewart (both of which are awesome!).

Well, I think that's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. hi there. I love reading your blog. Just thought I'd mention it.
