25 May 2010

Major Status Update!!! (Take That Facebook!)

Here's my 'Facebook Status' so-to-speak: I've been playing a butt load of Left 4 Dead (both the first and second one) with my sisters. Anna and I've done Dead Center on Expert twice (hours upon hours of frustration) and now we're kinda taking it easy on Advanced now.

What else am I up to? Oh. Work has pick up 'cause of May long and plus Caroline from work broke her wrist so I've been covering for her. Yup, I'm rolling in the dough.

My last paycheck I bought a hair-straightener/curler for Steph and she's been doing stuff to my hair, so it's finally not flat and boring!!! Yay! Of course, with the help of a gazillion different hair products too.

And Steph and I have also been trying to sing and write a lot more.

Lately I've been listening to my iPod a lot, mainly songs from Headstones.

There. Phew.
